John Young wrote:
Now, Declan, what would a crypto-miscreant need to do to actually get BXA's fierce kennel of crypto bloodhounds' attention, to make it truly worth everybody's headline read, money, politics, talents and teeth?
What we are talking about, in terms of 3-lines of legally unexportable code, is 'Dick Wars'. If one were to make certain that a wide range of members of Congress, Senators, BXA and Department of Commerce officials, etc., were to receive an email with a Subject: "I'm Pissing In Your EAR" and a message body providing details of their crypto-miscreantizing, then the inappropriate authorities would be hard-pressed to ignore the stream (pardon the pun) of ridicule that would result in their tyrannical, unconstitutional bluff being called. Richard Monger Nuclear Pississist and Master Baiter