I received a phone call today from a newspaper reporter who's writing an article on mattd/proffr and wanted background on the cypherpunks group or movement, as he put it. The reporter -- who covers crime, law enforcement, and the courts -- wanted to know whether mattd/proffr was representative of the group or an outlier, and stressed that two other cypherpunks have been imprisoned for their actions in this area. Apparently mattd/proffr has been saying on cypherpunks that some federal prosecutors need killing. Then that post was indexed by Google, and now it is a prominent hit for the name of said prosecutor. (I say apparently because, thanks to the good graces of procmail, I haven't read any mattd/proffr posts in ages. This is what I gathered solely from the phone conversation.) Anyway, the Feds apparently are neither confirming nor denying that an investigation is in progress, except to say that they are "aware" of mattd/proffr's post. This is what I learned from the phone call. I have no firsthand knowledge. -Declan