i categorically deny any government the authority to prevent me from distributing strong encryption, in source or compiled, to anyone anywhere. it's time this bullshit was called out as obsolete and fully ineffective. (if you don't feel the same you should avoid redistributing yourself. i however refuse to play these stupid games or insist on foreign development outside these restrictions.) --- http://cryptome.org/zfone-agree.htm & http://yro.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=186373&threshold=1&commentsort=0&mode=thread&pid=15383117#15383625 """Although the US has ended most of their export controls for crypto software, there are still some reasonable export controls in place, namely, to prevent the software from being exported to a few embargoed nations, such as North Korea, Iran, Libya, Syria, and Sudan. And for commercial encryption software that you actually pay for (not this free public beta), there are now requirements to check customers against government watch lists as well, which is something that companies such as PGP comply with these days. PGP Corp volunteered to host the public beta software on their server, with all the appropriate checks in place. That's why you have to register, to make sure you are not in an embargoed country, to keep me in compliance with U.S. export laws. Been there, done that. -Philip Zimmermann""" Re:Misplaced paranoia ... on Monday May 22, @09:35PM (#15384889) """The purpose of the law of course, is not to prevent the export of encryption to forgein countries. They already have these algorithims. Nor is it to prevent access to the terrorist boegyman. They either don't use it, or can easily get access to encryption. No. The purpose of the law is to hang the sword of damocles over the head of anyone who wants to bring safe and secure communication to the masses. The government doesn't want the masses to encrypt their traffic, and they use this law to impede the distrobution of your software and others like it. I think you need to give up the ghost here. If your government wants to shut you down. they will, regardless of how much you try to comply with export restrictions it will never be good enough. I think you need to stop playing by rules where you can't possibly win and simply go all out in an effort to get as many people using zfone as possible. All out. Unrestricted downloads, ease of use, ad campaign, browser plugins, whatever. Just do anything to get as many people using encrypted VOIP as you possibly can, because until then, your software will remain one the fringe where it's easier to shut down."""