How much must you hate someone to wish him/her dead ? Have you ever been 'contronted' with dead, Paul ? Someone of your friends, relatives, ... who died, perhaps ? How can you wish some other human being the same ? What if the IRA would blow up the queen ? I guess Charles is the next to step on then ? What a progress !!
Indeed I have, as I have said in other posts I have no particular sympathies with the IRA, they are thugs who kill indiscriminately. Wishing someone dead is not that great a step from accepting that they commit crime against you. I don`t wish the queen dead because of her clear opposition to terrorist violence, there are other reasons for this. Maybe wishing her dead is a little too strong in this particular case.
Havalook at Kongo: Mobutu has gone. Much better now ! After several thousands were killed, the new president gives his first orders: "women should not wear tight shirts anymore (I thought they were supposed to take them off, but...) nor should they act in a sensual way.
Right, violence is at least A solution. But for what ? BTW, I'd be very interested if you would care telling something more about Northern Ireland. That's where you live I guess ? Are you "Catholic" or "Protestant" ?
I live in mainland England. NI, although still violent, is now not the only place bombed by the IRA, until a few years ago they mainly attacked targets in NI, they now bomb all over the country. I do not claim that violence is a global solution, merely that in some cases it works. And I don`t believe labelling retaliation "violence" is really correct, the word violence is derived from violate, ie. to violate someones rights in a material and tangiable manner, I don`t believe retaliation or defence is a violation of rights, merely a response to agression. I personally see other ways than violence out of most disagreements, but I believe the only way to remove the power of the state is through selective violence as part of an overall strategy including strong cryptography and associated technologies. Datacomms Technologies data security Paul Bradley, Paul@fatmans.demon.co.uk Paul@crypto.uk.eu.org, Paul@cryptography.uk.eu.org Http://www.cryptography.home.ml.org/ Email for PGP public key, ID: FC76DA85 "Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"