On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 08:20:06PM -0400, Damian Gerow wrote:
Thus spake Harmon Seaver (hseaver@cybershamanix.com) [26/04/04 19:25]: : And the local elections are no prime pickings either, it's crooks to the left : of us, crooks to the right of us, ahead and behind, above and below. Extremely : few real choices. The real problem is -- most people don't vote. What needs to : be done is a real grass roots effort to educate people and get them to vote.
So, how does one start a grass roots effort? I'm Canuck, and I'm not exactly impressed with this year's pickings up North. My last vote was a vote /against/ the in-office party, not for the party I'd like to see in office.
How do you start motivating a lazy and apathetic public to learn about their candidates, and vote? Door-to-door campaigns? Talks at the local library? Grocery store posters?
All of the above, but mostly door-to-door voter registration. When you consider that both klinton and dubbya were elected with only 13%-14% of the eligible voters, it wouldn't take all that many new voters to really make a difference. -- Harmon Seaver CyberShamanix http://www.cybershamanix.com Hoka hey!