In a message dated 96-07-06 14:25:18 EDT, perry@piermont.com (Perry E. Metzger) writes: << "Perry E. Metzger" writes:
AwakenToMe@aol.com writes:
I have a util that will create a word list starting from aaaaaaaaaaa on up to anythingggggggg basically you could do every combination. Let me know if ya want it.
That would really be of great use for doing wordlist crack runs. It must have taken you a long time to write -- generous of you to offer it.
Thats funny. I thought you were being completely serious and I sent you this file. You are exactly right. it is of GREAT use for doing wordlist crack runs. Why dont ya check out some realllyyy secure systems and find out what utils they use to test their own security. I ALWAYS use created segments of
I want to apologize to everyone for being gratuitously nasty here. It wasn't called for. this when trying to brute force my way into my OWN machine. It helps finding bugs that overwrite the stack..etc. But... apology accepted. You may learn from it.