Or was it catherine M? This is a hastily scrawled inventory of one woman's lovers -- and they are a cast of thousands. She takes on groups of men with every orifice. Catherine Millet has provided us with a quite remarkable insight into a certain kind of female sexuality. With remarkable frankness, she leads the reader through an extraordinary range of experiences with a good deal of self-reflection, very little moralizing and a total lack of political correctness (hooray!). While there is an obvious inclination to focus on the extremes of her sexual behavior that go well beyond the normal range of experiences of most of us, in fact the majority of the book explores the nitty gritty of the kinds of activity that are much more mainstream. And perhaps we can be grateful that someone else has done the dirty work of accumulating the range of experiences necessary to make the insights authoritative! This is not a work of erotica, in my opinion. And if an open discussion of sexual activity between consenting adults makes you uneasy or worse, or offends your morals, don't read this book. But, if you think you might enjoy an unprecedented, direct and thoughtful consideration of the sexuality of a very interesting woman, this book comes highly recommended http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0802117163/qid=1027751908/sr=1-1/ref=... The Sexual Life of Catherine M.