Tim May wrote:
At 7:51 PM -0700 6/22/97, Jason William RENNIE wrote:
Thats fine but, i dont want to be invited to look at nasty naked cheerleaders. And isn't it somewhat problematic when a 15 yr old looks at the mail box ?? BEsides i hate junk mail too, and if i could stick a no junk mail sticker on my email i would.
Alrighty, see that little key on your keyboard that says "Delete?" I learned to use that if I don't want to be bothered by spam. Whining about it does nothing. Or you can do the anti-spamming e-mail address idea.
You're on the wrong list. We favor free speech, including inviting 15-year-olds to look at pictures of their choosing on the Net. They don't _have_ to look, after all.
I think people need to learn that if you don't like it, don't watch it. Out of sight, out of mind.
Perhaps you should join forces with Sen. McCain and Sen. Feinswine, or your versions in your own country. Or move to Iran. Or something.
That McCain with his little "Secure Public Networks Act." That was the best example that CONgress just doesn't give a rat's arse about us. They trigger the "nay" key whenever someone says those magic little words: Child Pornongraphy. About .02% of America trades kiddie porn, and I bet half of them don't even use PGP. But then again, congresscritters don't know shit about technology.