Daley's statement on crypto export has been pulled from the DoC Public Affairs Web site, as noted in Peter Junger's latest filing, in which the vanished statement is cited as support for lifting suspicious back-scratch dealings like ACP's. http://jya.com/pdj9.htm What's the latest on publicizing the several ACP drafts floating around "industry and agencies" for comment on what TLAs and ACP are rigging in the public interest. Weren't some of these stalking drafts nearly liberated recently? Or were they only floated for trusted eyes only? Congressional hearings are due shortly to air the stench. As Entrust said in defense of its patenting what was thought to be in the public interest: "Encryption is no longer an academic pursuit, now it's very big business." RSA, NAI, Entrust, ACP, TLA, take your pick, not that there's much diff where "national economic security" interest surpasses the public.