In almost every writing I've come across regarding Van Eck, I notice the phrase "...simply a modified television" or something along those lines. Does anyone have a document for actually modifying a television set to do this sort of thing? It doesn't have to be extremely long ranged, and could in fact be very short range.. I am interested in performing my own experiments into defeating this sort of eavesdropping. Also, would it be possible to scramble the signal into an unusable level by simply putting another device emanating RF at the snooping frequencies nearby the machine that you want to protect? Something generating white noise at that frequency, but with a purposely built antenna, say a high gain type turned outward from the monitor, with a significantly higher power output than the monitor? Thanks.. -The Spectre [SP4 w/ Clam Cluster] - "No man is clever enough to know all the evil he does." - La Rochefoucauld