[thanks for the very informative message - much snipped] Adam Back <aba@dcs.ex.ac.uk> writes:
However, here are a few things you might be interested to know. I understand the majority of people in Northern Ireland do not want to be part of Southern Ireland.
I don't think this has been put to a vote, but this is probably true.
The people in NI have been there for multiple generations, and probably also don't want to be relocated to England.
Fine - let them stay, or emigrate to whatever other country will take them. Maybe South Africa wants to increase its white population (kidding). Or maybe the U.S. ought to increase it white population. Why is the rest of the UK obliged to cater to their desires? What if the majority of the NI population felt that a special L1000 poll tax should be imposed on the English, with the proceeds disbursed equally among the NI population? What if Uganda took a vote and the overwhelming majority decided to invite the UK back to rule them and to pour capital in?
Many of these people are English descent and their ancestors where given land by the British government which was stolen from native Irish about 300 years ago. They have also intermarried.
Scottish descent, stricly speaking. Also at the rates the catholics are breeding, they'll be a minority soon. There are some protestants in SI, and no one's killing them on sight, AFAIK. Wasn't Eamon de Valera a sephardic jew or something?
You should also realise that IRA and supporters are minority in NI today, for a sense of perspective.
If you're such a strong believer in the rule of the majority :-), why should the NI protestants (who are a fraction of the total UK population) force the entire UK to do something that the rest of the UK doesn't want?
In the mean time the IRA and the opposing paramilitary organisation blow up, assasinate, knee-cap each other, protestants, catholics, joy riders, and a few innocent bystanders, and I think both deal in drugs, and are involved in organised crime to fund their activities.
Yep. So does the CIA. Maybe that's why the IRA isn't calling for a vote in NI to join SI. :-)
(I forget name, but there is a non-governmental paramilitary group on other side to IRA in NI, occasionally there is rumor that British Army is feeding this paramilitary organisation names of IRA suspects to hit, to save them the trouble).
Is that the guys that Hallam Baker said he had asked to kill me? :-)
they're saying after a while :-). Not sure of Welsh and Irish names for English. US name is `Limey'.
The English navy used by be plagued by the scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) during the 18th and early 19th century. Then some bright guy came up with the idea of storing lots of limes on the ships and forcing the seamen to suck on them. It did cure the scurvy, but earned them the nickname. ObTrivia: the official Russian name for lime is "LAJM". --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps