ECONO ADS & MORE! July 16th, 1996 ____________________ We stand for Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Speech, and the Free Enterprise System that made America Great !! ___________________ REMOVAL: If you wish to receive no further mail from us, we understand. Just press "reply" and type the word remove in the subject or message area. No other words are necessary. This is an automated system and any other words or messages will only delay your being removed. ___________________ PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION POLL: In our next issue, you will be able to participate in the Internets Largest Election Poll. Be a part of Internet History! ___________________ To respond to any of these messages, DO NOT HIT REPLY! Rather, create a New E-Mail for each response and address it to the E-Mail address provided in the message you are responding to. _________________ -- Americans for Constitutional Action -- Invite you to join the drive to repeal the Federal Income Tax (&.the IRS), and replace it with a National Retail Sales Tax. Imagine -TAKE HOME YOUR ENTIRE PAY CHECK -- and spend it on whatever you want! Like to help with the petition drive? You can! Two Bills have already been introduced in the U.S House of Representatives to eliminate the federal income tax! Learn how to help in this historic effort. This is not some crackpot "tax rebellion" scheme, but rather a serious effort to restore sanity to our Federal Government. Respond now to learn all the facts, free! See our Home Page at http://www.webbuild.com/~acanc/index.htm . Or, E-Mail: acanc@nando.net for complete details. _______________________ If you sell advertising for a living, LOVE GOLF, and want to own your own business, we have a unique opportunity. Call 1-203-521-9466 and we'll send you the most amazing Yardage Book you've ever seen - and information. ____________________ GOLFERS - ENTREPRENEURS - Great opportunity to be part of the fast growing golf industry world. Manufacturing facility opening off shore plant for golf bags, etc. Looking for investors. Profit. Sponsors and involvement. Interested parties - contact W.L. Rose. E-Mail kenford@aol.com or fax 1-714-476-0190 _____________________ "FREE HOME BASE BUSINESS" For FREE information send #10 SASE to : HOME BASE, 2042 Craft Ln. , Sarasota Fl. 34239 _____________________ NEW TRAVEL WEB SITE The Traveler Savings SiteO helps you stretch your travel budget. Continually updated travel savings tips, articles and resources complement a guide to businesses offering discounts to travelers. http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/inetmktg/ ____________________ ARCHERY SUPPLIES via the Internet. Bows, arrows, and accessories shipped directly to you. Free Bow tuning info. For complete information, PRESS REPLY and type the word ARCHERY ____________________ PLEASE PARDON MY INTRUSION ... ... but did you know, that within 30-60 days, you could be making $300 - $600 per day with your fax?? It's Simple! Let me show you how ... For FREE details, send E-Mail to: teammark@pin-point.com ____________________ IT'S PARTY TIME!!! Voice Personals Dateline. Single Guys and Ladies are waiting to meet you! Respond to create your own personal message. Local Areas - 1-900-835-5182 ext. 9200. 18+ $2.95 / min. Profit Systems, 612-776-8557 _______________________ ATTENTION CRUISE LOVERS! If you love Cruise Vacations, you need to subscribe to Cruise News. It's FREE. This E-Mail newsletter will come to you mailbox twice monthly. You will read the latest news from the Cruise Industry, special insider deals, reader contests (win a prize!), funny stories, and more. To subscribe, send an E-Mail to: CruiseNews@American-Dream.com ______________ ATTENTION GOLF LOVERS: Subscribe to Golfers E-Mail Express! It will come to your mailbox twice a month, with exciting new products and services & unusual offers for Golfers Only! It's FREE! To subscribe, send an E-Mail to: Golf@American-Dream.com ______________ STAY HOME AND MAKE $100 A DAY! Great new source-book of 100's of Work at Home ideas. For complete details, send an E-Mail to: Homework@American-Dream.com _______________________ ATTENTION ADVERTISERS: To receive information about advertising in a future issue of ECONO ADS, press REPLY and type the word: adinfo in the subject or message area. That's all you need to say. We will E-Mail complete details to you. ______________________ ECONO ADS This was mailed to List C on July 15th, 1996 ______________________ "We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." -- Thomas Jefferson, The Delclaration of Independence July 4th, 1776 "It is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light, and certainly not desireable, as ones hat keeps blowing off!" --Woody Allen