The price of Acai Berry is not cheap. Well, if you are wondering whether this product's cost is on par with its effectiveness, you will be quite surprised. A free trial will last for at least 2-3 weeks. This duration of time is needed in order to see the effects of this wonder fruit in your WieghtLoss program. The effect of Acai berry is indeed magnificent and the taste is simply great. The flavor is unique in its own way, and can be describe as a kind of exotic grape. They are extremely refreshing. People hadLost some 5 pounds in a month. They are high in antioxidants which can cleanse your body and make you more motivated to do physical and leisure activities. In other words, it makes you more energetic so that you would feel like exercising more! Besides that, the berry's pulp is tasty to eat and this makes it a good and easyDiet to stick to. It is not like other supplements in the form of tablets that make you feel like you are a patient. It's taste makes you feel like you are actually enjoying your weight control supplement and at the same time enjoying its effects! The high fiber content of Acai berry also helps in digestion. There will be noticeable changes in people who consumed this berry and problems like constipation should be reduced. If you are looking for an easy and enjoyable way to control your weight, give Acai berry a try! For the first time you can now try acai berry for a 14 Day Free Trial! only pay $5.99 for shipping and 1 bottle is yours Click Here to get started with your FREE trial! These supplements have helped many people over the years achieve their WieghtLoss targets. The body will be far more likely to get rid of unnecessary weight if it is absorbing the right amount of nutrients and acai berry will take care of it. If You are serious about LosingWieght, go get your free trial. We would be QUITE surprised if you don'tLose 10pounds in the trial period. Click Here to get started with your 100% FREE trial!