TruthMonger wrote:
There will be a "War on Porn" on the internet that will mirror the "War on Drugs" currently taking place.
In financial, as well as freedoms, cost.
All that the government wants is their piece of the action. Like drugs, the porn will always be available, but the price will fluctuate according to the level of government control and/or illegality.
Yup. Like drugs, "intelligence" agencies will also get <ahem> intimately involved, and then deny it, in a romantic tradition dating back before language.
The "War on Porn" will turn into another essential national industry which will become part of the GNP.
A negative part. Tax-spend. Spend-tax.
The "winners" in this war will be the journalists who have covered the "War on Drugs" as they will merely have to dust off old stories and substitute "Porn" for "Drugs" wherever it occurs.
The real winners will also be in a strange quarter. The Playboys and Penthouses of this world are concerned about profit, not morality, but they will be perfectly willing to surreptitiously line up with the Christian Coalition on this one. Strange bedfellows.
The "loser" will be the Hoover Vacume Cleaner Company, whose development of Virtual Cathouse technology will fall victim to new legislation.
Old Woody Allen movies, anyone? om