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learned by those
learned by those
to do instead). You want
the embarrassment of thinking
that you can hold your
look "in the wild".
You want to learn about
science, and learning theory,
up a creek without
and why everything
support in your own code.
it struggling with academic
it struggling with academic
Something more fun.
want to see how
texts. If you've read a
of patterns with others
science, and learning theory,
your time is too important
You'll easily counter with your
same problems.
put you to sleep! We think
your time is too important
reinvent the wheel
his stunningly clever use of Command,
you don't want to
the embarrassment of thinking
them to work immediately.
in between sips of a martini.
environment. In other
you want to learn the
You'll easily counter with your
the same software
(or worse, a flat tire),