George A. Stathis wrote:
This was my objection also inside the F-K list, for _some_ of the postings in the past, but none of these postings was connected with acts of censorship, or with "sweeping generalisations" without evidence. On several occasions that I searched and found who or what they were talking about, I discovered they were talking about people whose activities were indeed horrifying (forged cancellations etc) and who also fought back.
Horrifying eh? Hmm I found this just a bit to priceless to resist. I guess it falls under the old 'but I'll defend your right...' way of looking at things... In any case, here you go, this is the latest contribution of software from Dimitri to the values of freedom of expression and non-censoring & all that blather. #From Phrack 49, file p49-09 published this month: .oO Phrack Magazine Oo. Volume Seven, Issue Forty-Nine File 09 of 16 by Dr.Dimitri Vulis (KOTM) A Content-Blind Cancelbot for Usenet (CBCB) And what follows, is Dr. Dimitri, defender of freedom of expression, champion of the anti-censors on the net, posting code to the world to engage in exactly those activities that everyone has been ranting about as being so utterly "horrifying (forged cancellations etc)" as it were. Amusing to say the least. Tim