On Sun, Jun 27, 2004 at 06:26:05PM -0500, J.A. Terranson wrote:
On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
In contrast, 95 percent of you (if you bother going to the polls at all -- and who can blame you for your increasing sense of mortification? You must start to feel like the Eloi, shuffling in to the sound of the Morlocks' dinner bell in H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine") will vote for a lying politician who you know to be a lying politician -- one of two interchangeable Skull & Bonesmen without any discernible political principles, who (no matter which wins) will proceed to raise your taxes, take away more of your freedoms, and continue frittering away whatever remains of America's reputation for decency by continuing the violent military occupation of scores of foreign countries that have never attacked nor declared war upon us. All this in hopes of temporarily propping up the bottom lines of sundry well-heeled banks, oil companies and federally subsidized engineering and construction firms.
All because you don't want to "throw away your vote" -- and register your disapproval with that state of affairs -- by voting for a guy who would make you feel decent and clean.
In *any* election other than the one we face this November, I would agree with this 100%. But this time, I just can't. I fear the re-appointment of Bush more than any other political event. That the author of this is willing to overlook that he is knowingly helping to keep Bush in office, trampling those rights he claims to so cherish, totally negates his argument.
Bush has never won an election.
Let's keep it that way.
My feeling is that Kerry won't be really any different, except possibly in the areas of environment and education. He'll be about like Klinton, maybe worse. And like Klinton, he's a lot smarter, so a lot more people will be fooled. One thing about Dubbya, et al, is they make a lot of really dumb mistakes. Look at Cheney telling Sen. Leahy to fuck himself -- these morons even turn off a lot of Republicans. -- Harmon Seaver CyberShamanix http://www.cybershamanix.com Hoka hey!