This showed up on a bunch of lists, not including cypherpunks or cryptography; Phil Agre added some interesting commentary and sent it to the Red Rock Eater list so I'm forwarding that version.
From: Phil Agre <> To: Subject: e-commerce and rights management X-URL: X-Mailing-List: <> archive/latest/1815
[When Judie sent me the announcement for her new mailing list on practical aspects of deploying rights management and e-commerce technologies, I was incredulous that such a list doesn't already exist. She persuaded me by means of the following catalog of related lists, which may be of some interest. I assume that you can track down subscription info with the standard search tools. encryption/certificates: ieft-pkix, ieft-open-pgp, ieft-ldapext, cert-talk, spki, kerberos, dcsb, alice; digital signatures: temple, california, georgia, texas; copyright: cni-copyright, ecup; legal: cyberia, law-ipr, euro-lex; rights: cyber-rights, web-rights; e-commerce: e-commerc, ica, e-payments; digital libraries: liblicensing, diglib, ifla.]
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Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 12:36:26 -0500 (EST) From: Judie Mulholland <> Subject: announcing E-CARM, a new mailing list (fwd)
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Announcing the creation of a new mailing list:
This mailing list has been established to foster and support an on-line discussion forum where we can:
* debate (non) technical, administrative and managerial issues pertaining to: secure transactions, competing rights management models (e.g. ECMS, PICS, certificates, FIRM, etc.), evolving standards, supporting technologies and other approaches for enabling electronic commerce; * inform each other about upcoming conferences, workshops, etc. * point to online papers, resources/links, new apps, web sites, etc. * identify the critical factors relevant to design, development and implementation of a rights management infrastructure; * raise questions, share problems, relate concerns; * share success/horror stories; * and much, much more ...
If you are interested in subscribing to this list, please send a message to:
with the following line in body of the message (NOT the subject):
subscribe e-carm "FirstName LastName" (without the quotation marks)
and after you are notified that you have been subbed, we would ask that you send a short note to the list, briefly introducing yourself and your interests in e-commerce and rights management so that we can begin to come together as a community of shared interest(s).
E-CARM is intended to be a member-driven, open, collaborative mailing list. However, its success in creating a viable on-line forum will depend on individual contributions. As a step in this direction, we encourage you to share this announcement with other mailing lists or anyone who may be interested in getting involved.
Looking forward to seeing all of you on E-CARM,
Judie Mulholland Rajiv Kaushik
List Moderators
Thanks! Bill Bill Stewart, PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639