Sperling is the office boss, not the case prosecutor, who is AUSA Gallant. A report claims that a person with the last name Gallant is the sysadmin at Brian's competitor - who operated the Okie Rag's Web site Good Cyber-Citizen Brian reported to be holey and got cyber-criminalized forthwith. Whether the dipsec Gallant who got exposed by Brian had set a cyber-trap in order for Sperling/Gallant's office to grab some cyber-crime funding is just too fucking fantastic to believe, what with the cyber-soldier training camp being set up right in the neighborhood and bigtime newspaper notices splashing the chamber of commerce Ft. Sill-grade cyber-crime-fighting pork story. Okies like greased-pig justice.com prisons, too, especially that OKC federal transfer station we read about here so avidly when those rumors are not being shunted aside by Aimee's hot-eyed scheme to blow up something as if she's determined to prove AP is not a joke on Jeff. Come to think of it Aimee's reminds of Jeff, and the timing is pretty good for another raid. Hark, wipe your disks.