Thursday 3/19/98 6:58 PM John Young J Orlin Grabbe John Gilmore Here are my notes Thursday December 29, 1994 16:45 File MAD1.TXT Memorandum of Record At 16:30 I received a call from a Wayne Madsen 3911 Fairfax Square Fairfax, VA 22031 703-876-3081 3065 FAX Wayne told me he had a contract to update the Puzzle Palace first written by James Bamford. The contract is with Penguin- Viking. We talked close to 45 minutes. Wayne told he saw my name in Wirbel's EE Times articles. I gave Madsen some information about my case and where documents can be obtained in the WDC area. Madsen told me two disturbing items: 1 NSA has been inviting White House staff to NSA. NSA attempts to impress staff with NSA gadgets. 2 NSA recently invited Tom Clancy to NSA. Clancy's next novel will be about NSA. Clancy, Wayne told, me is being used as a PR man to obtain more funding for NSA. Madsen also told me that a CRYPTO-AG salesman also got arrested by the Iranians for selling them crypto devices which also sent out the key! NSA work: called Red Threads or Hidden Threads. But let us be a little suspicious. NSA is fairly good at dirty tricks. 1 Anyone know Madsen? 2 Is Madsen for real? If Madsen is for real, then let us help him with his book. Madsen recently wrote A former spook did a drive-by of 3911 Fairfax Square Fairfax, VA 22031 shortly after the phone call from Madsen The former spook phoned me again on 07:29 3/16/1998. The spook did a technical evaluation of the above address. How may tricycles, cars, shades pulled-down to see if the address was possibly a home address. The spook concluded that the above address may be a business. LetÂ’s all, of course, hope for settlement. bill