Tiny Timmy May <tcmay@got.net> read alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.little-boys and stroked his little limp penis until the following came out:
[Note: This is a two-part article I posted to the "Nym" list. I'm posting it here as well, but not in a "cross-post" form, because it obviously touches on many themes of interest to Cypherpunks. Declan M. has created this new list to discuss anonymity and pseudonyms. It is, predictably, largely duplicative of discussions on the Cypherpunks and other lists, but Declan and others feel it is needed. It is not necessarily open to all, to reduce the number of insults, ASCII art posts, drunken ramblings (mine excepted), and off-topic spams and such, so don't ask _me_ for instructions on how to subscribe to it. Declan may send you instructions if he wants to, of course.]
[some bullshit snipped unread] The reason why Declan felt compelled to "run away" from the unmoderated cypherpunks list is obvious. You may recall that some months ago Declan publushed a very negative "expose" of myself in Netly news, and in it he forged nunmerous quotes from me. The words Declan attributed to me in his "expose" were directly opposite of what I told him in my phone interview and were intended to make me look like an idiot. I've repeatedly called Declan a liar and a forger on this forum, the last time just recently. Apparently Declan doesn't like being exposed as the liar and a forger that he is. :-) He's rather hide out on a censored forum, where he can suppress the opinions he doesn't like. Tiny Tim is happy to bend over and let Declan (or Sandy or any other self-appointed censor) decide which of Timmy's rants are worth publishing. You may recall that Declan has another censored mailing list, which he ironicalled called "fight-censrship". That list is frequented by another "journalist" whom Declan describes as his "friend" - the pathological liar Charlie Platt, a psychipath who should be confined to an insane asylum (and fired from his lab job at New School for his racist hate speech). Charlie Platt's been using the "fight-censorship" list to publish lies about me, and Declan wouldn't let me reply in the same forum that Platt's claims about me are lies. I'm not the only victim of Declan's lies and forgeries. E.g., the Center for Deomcracy in Technology (CDT) complained to Declan's employer, Time Warner, about Declan's lies, forgeries, and misrepresentations of CDT's position. Tiny Tim and Declan were long-time supporters of John Gilmore's censorship of this list and of C2net's/Sandy Sandfart's "moderation experiment". If they want to get the hell off of Cypherpunks yet another censored mailing list, but only comment is "good riddance to bad writers".