J. Eric Townsend says:
- Dworkin has never called for the banning of porn. I've read most of her books, and she even goes out of her way to say she's not calling for any sort of censorship. She *does* push for 'victim compenstation'-style legislation.
This is silly. Its like saying "I'm not in favor of banning guns -- but I want victims to be able to sue the gun manufacturers for negligence". Dworkin is a fascist in feminist clothing -- for all intents and purposes she believes that any act of heterosexual sex is on some level rape. She's nuts.
Tired of white het male computer geeks talking nonsense about anyone who threatens their place in the power structure,
This white male het computer geek marches in the Gay Pride Parade every year. (Well, not this year -- I was sick. Mea culpa.) He also thinks that Andrea Dworkin is about as anti-censorship as Rev. Wildmon. I don't give a shit about the power structure -- I just think that anyone telling me what I can and cannot see, what I can and cannot write, and what I can and cannot sell, is my enemy. Perry