At 3:52 PM -0800 12/8/96, Lucky Green wrote:
At 09:15 PM 12/7/96 -0800, Thaddeus J. Beier wrote:
I don't think that PICS will be mandated any more than those two standards are mandated, perhaps I'm naive, but I think that the social conventions will work in this case.
Let's put the question if something like PICS will be mandated aside for the moment. Do you agree that sites that deliberately mislabel their content, will eventually face legal action? If so, then PICS should not be considered truly voluntary.
Or, the version I think is simpler: If I believe pictures of people having sex should be marked "Suitable for all ages" (or whatever the Official PICS Status Code is) will I be criminally or civilly in danger? If so, then PICS is a ratings system which individuals are likely to be unable to interpret themselves. (This takes the element of intent to deliberately defeat PICS out of the equation, and asks if "innocent mislabeling" or "philosophical disagreement alternate labeling" will expose the mislabeller to charges. What I see with any such enforcement of PICS standards is yet another Full Employment Act for Lawyers, and the Lawyer's Guild will be oh so happy to see PICS essentially made part of the bureacratic morass: "Due to the complexities of the PICS ratings system, and varying community interpretations of the elements of PICS, we advise that no person post anything to the Net with a PICS rating without seeking competent legal advice from a PICS-licensed legal professional." --Tim (my "Suitable for religious students of all ages"-rated alternate sig follows.) -- [This Bible excerpt awaiting review under the U.S. Communications Decency Act of 1996] And then Lot said, "I have some mighty fine young virgin daughters. Why don't you boys just come on in and fuck them right here in my house - I'll just watch!"....Later, up in the mountains, the younger daughter said: "Dad's getting old. I say we should fuck him before he's too old to fuck." So the two daughters got him drunk and screwed him all that night. Sure enough, Dad got them pregnant, and had an incestuous bastard son....Onan really hated the idea of doing his brother's wife and getting her pregnant while his brother got all the credit, so he pulled out before he came....Remember, it's not a good idea to have sex with your sister, your brother, your parents, your pet dog, or the farm animals, unless of course God tells you to. [excerpts from the Old Testament, Modern Vernacular Translation, TCM, 1996]