Citizen-Unit T.C. May wrote:
(Somehow most people think it's OK that convicted felons lose their rights to vote and to have guns. (Once they're released, of course.) Do they think convicted felons no longer have religious freedom? Can no longer write as they wish? Jeesh.)
Citizen-Unit May is coming dangerously close to thought-crime in this message. The politically correct phrasing is as follows: "Since convicted felons lose their rights to vote and to have guns, surely there is no reason why they shouldn't also lose their rights to free speech and religious freedom. We must protect the children from such dangers." This issue provides clear support for our long tradition of compromising with the government on important issues - had we taken a "no compromise" stand on felon's rights to vote and own guns then we would not now be able to use that as justification for restricting further rights, just as prior compromise on the First Amendment rights of "child pornographers" has given the government a neccesary stepping-stone for restricting freedom of speech of adult pornographers and other authorized enemies. CompromiseMonger