Vote for some one who promises freedom,democracy and development. Is that so hard? Freedom means what to you? Getting to vote once every four or five years on what direction your country is going to take?
What if freedom means an anarchive un-state? Being forced to subjugate your views to those of others on the basis of your geographical locality, while being prevented from gathering with others who may share your political views in sufficient numbers such as to be able to succesfully secede is not freedom. What is development? Market liberalisation? Socialism? Statism or the removal of the state aparatus? In statist, capitalist democracy, reduce or increase taxes? Remove or increase social welfare and support? Permit or restrict immigration? If you are sold on blanket, unqualified terms such as 'freedom', 'development' and 'democracy', and are willing to accept the empty rhetoric espoused by most politicians without critical analysis, then you'd probably make a good subject of the current system. Or am I wrong? -- Andrew G. Thomas