On Sat, 13 Dec 1997, Lucky Green wrote:
Cypherpunks Tonga announces yet another version of SIO/STEST, the universal smartcard software.
Quick summary of changes: - Philips, Gemplus, and Schlumberger reader support added - Chipknip (IEP) specific commands added - new internal commands - infrastructure for implementing card specific commands has been added (which the chipknip commands are built on top of)
At this point, we need others to start writing tables to support additional cards. If you have an ISO7816 compatible smartcard with programmer reference manual and minimal C knowledge, you can contribute to the project.
What kind of cash outlay would I be looking at for doing smartcard development? What do the needed parts run? Any recomendations on suppliers? Places to avoid?
"Tonga? Where the hell is Tonga? They have Cypherpunks there?"
Don't they make toy trucks? ]:> alan@ctrl-alt-del.com | Note to AOL users: for a quick shortcut to reply Alan Olsen | to my mail, just hit the ctrl, alt and del keys.