"Robert A. Costner" <pooh@efga.org> writes:
At 12:07 PM 12/4/97 EST, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
I might have a good cause of action against Chris Lewis, but the asshole is in Canada. (I found out the forger's home address. I hope someone blows his fucking brains out, for he surely deserves to die.) [snip]
In most matters where I have been involved with Chris Lewis, I have tended to side with Chris.
Therefore you're a censorous cocksucker and an asshole. Fuck you. C, P, & G. Lewis reside at: 483 Vances Side Road (Box 124), Dunrobin (a suburb of Ottawa), Ontario K0A 1T0, Canada, home tel: +1 613 832 0541, office tel: +1 613 763 2935 I hope some homicidal maniac makes use of this information. Chris Lewis uses the resources of his employer, Northern Telecom / Bell North Research, to forge his cancels. Complaints about Chris Lewis should be sent directly to Human Resources. That way they go directly into his personnel file for safekeeping and remain unadulterated by his chain of command. Nortel does not have a security officer in personnel (incredible as it seems, it's true), so use the director as follows: Jim Young, Director, Human Resources Tel: +1 905 863 4636 Fax: +1 905 863 8300 (one of three faxes, so call for the others if line is busy) E-mail: jamesy@bnr.ca Main Nortel switchboard is at +1 613 763 2935. Below is the chain of command for Chris Lewis, but beware of complaints to them as they try to cover up for each other: * David R. Niles, Assistant Vice-President Research and Development for Infrastructure Information Systems Tel: +1 613 763 8635 Fax: +1 613 765 3893 Home address: 624 Glenside Terrace, Orleans, Otario K4A 2B6, Canada Home tel: +1 613 834 2006 * Reginald I. "Reg" Foulkes, Director Messaging and Security Internet & Security Systems 8M80 Tel: +1 613 763 4131 E-mail: riskit@bnr.ca, v2ksys@bnr.ca Home address: RR 2 Stn main, Trenton, Ontario K8V 5P5, Canada Home tel: +1 613 392 5042 * Seema Goel, Manager 8M86 Tel: +1 613 763 9161 E-mail: secdevco@bnr.ca Note that this e-mail address is sometimes used by another woman named Marie L. Lewis. * Chris Lewis, 8M86 Tel: +1 613 763 2935 Home address as above. Also cc: all complaints to the following: * Marie L. Lewis Messaging and Security Infrastructure Tel: +1 613 763 3495 * Marcus Leech Tel: +1 613 763 9145 Fax: +1 613 765 1407 e-mail: mleech@bnr.ca Home: RR 3 Stn Main, Smiths Falls, Ontario K7A 4S4, Canada Home tel: +1 613 283 3711