22 Jul
22 Jul
12:24 p.m.
At 10:25 AM 7/22/03 -0400, Sunder wrote:
I worked on a commercial digital money system a few years ago. One of
their business models was almost identical to Amos': stick cash in a kiosk to get electronic money. It'd be interesting to see how that system plays with Amos' patent.
It's not going to be anonymous at all. Remember, ATM's are always protected by cameras. If the digicash isn't anonymous, it's worthless.
Yes to all points. Of course, this is why a bandana/burkha/ski mask is a good thing to carry when approaching an ATM. Better if they're IR opaque. Best not to do this if the ATM is attached to a bank though, for the sake of the guards' underwear :-)