Mitch Halloran, unwitting schill of the TrilateralCPU, digitized:
I neglected to take into consideration that this attempt at revisionist history of the greatest President of the US in the 20th Century, perhaps in US history...this raving and ranting to take the name of FDR in vain...this dribble to take all of humanity's name in vain...this project to develop the Mother of All Conspiracy Theories, including figuring out a way to show the Big Bang is/was, all of it, every last bit, a conspiracy...
...well, it could be ciphertext for which I have not received the key for making into plaintext. Someone please forward the key to me.
Working in a Drug Lab, I would imagine that the key required to make sense of SPACE ALIENS HIDE MY DRUGS!!! is easily within reach...check the 500 ml beaker to your immediate left... To tell the truth, most of my ranting and raving in regard to the InfernalTruths EreuIndicted in SAHMD is done out of kindness towards those who are the target of both my BarbLess Wit and my WitLess Barbs, since merely revealing the NakedTruth about many of these individuals might result in the Reader having an eye put out, although HeOrShe would still have one good eye left to see that the person who was giving rise to the BluntNosed Sword of Truth was not the individual's wife. ReVisionIst, to me, indicates someone who takes another look at what was previously seen with the aid of colour-glossy photos and pie-charts provided by the people who threatened to imprison your parents if they failed to send you to government-sponsered IndoctrinationCamps justified under the ruse of FreeEducation, which sometimes seem mostly geared for reinforcing in our minds how lucky we are to live in a country where the government is kind enough to provide us with FreeIncomeTaxReturnForms. Son of Mother Of All Chapters, as presented to the CypherPunks list, quite simply provides a plethora of Official Versions of the events surrounding the murder of one of Franklin Roosevelt's political enemies, Anton Cermak. Those perusing the material may come to the conclusion that if a wide variety of official news sources and official law enforcement agencies don't seem to have a fucking clue as to the time, date or sequence of events surrounding the murder, the death of Cermak, the trial or the execution, then perhaps one would be remiss in too hasty in accepting the same people's conclusions that Roosevelt, and not Cermak, was the target, it would be hard to fault their logic. As far as Roosevelt, or anyone else, being "the greatest President" of any era, it would be more accurate to describe their being the GreatestBullShitter of the era, or of having the GreatestAdvertising/SpinDoctor/PoliticalThugs of the era. It is a matter of speculation to what extent Roosevelt's actions were responsible for the recovery of the American economy after the collapse of the banking sector, but it is a matter of *fact*, supported by the testimony of even those who were part of FDR's political entourage, that Roosevelt took steps to ensure the *complete* collapse of America's financial institutions while Hoover was still President, in order to put himself in a position to extort as much money and power as possible out of Congress. Perhaps the massive suffering and financial losses that he caused in his power-grab might be justified as being 'for the greater good,' except that, had he used his position as President-elect to help restore confidence in the economy, instead of destroying it, America would not have required nearly as much 'saving' as it subsequently needed. It is a shame that I had not been born in an age when I could have run for President against Roosevelt, and won. Had I done so, then I, like FDR, would have granted myself a license to print money, and I also would have spent three times as much of the taxpayer's money as the previous 31 Presidents, combined, but *I* would have spent it all on beer and scotch, thus resurrecting the American economy without creating a HugeGovernmentMonster filled with political patronage appointees and employees who I had bought and owned with imaginary money that taxpayers would be responsible for repaying. Also, being drunk all of the time, there would have been little chance of me turning America into a PlannedSociety via a New Deal in which all of the cards being dealt were Red.
By the way, I'm really one of you guys. I am just working a cover among the people who call themselves sane until you guys who really know the truth can get into a position reveal these eternal truths to the unbelievers. he-he!
We appreciate your efforts. Due to the limited space in the HomeForTheCriminallyInsane, it is important for us to have half-witting schills secretly infiltrating organizations which are too ignorant of Truth&Reality (TM) to realize that the NewCrayolaColours are part of the WorldWide Plot, even when spelled without the 'u.' ~ ICould'aBeenAContend'aMonger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~