Timothy C. May wrote:
At 9:15 PM -0600 12/20/96, Matthew J. Miszewski wrote:
Jesus Tim. You're letting your lilly white show. -feeling-oppressed-by-every-law-in-existance-white-boy Yeah, Matt, in a free society I wouldn't have to "speak Ebonics."
The trouble with these f*&%^*&%^* do-gooder programs is that they miss the point. How are you going to teach anything using improvised dialect? It's just insane. When I was working at Olympic Sales in El Segundo in 1981, my manager was a very intelligent and very politically knowledgeable person. One day I responded to something he said, where I said "shit, bro'" followed by some jive talk like I've heard before, but couldn't really communicate in, since I didn't have the experience. To my surprise, he responded with some more jive talk, and we traded jive for a minute or so until I gave up. It's something I'll never forget - gives me a good laugh whenever I think about it. But seriously, they're gonna codify this? What bozos.