On Mon, Nov 12, 2001 at 11:37:39PM -0500, Faustine cited:
Which says:
Laws are on the books in 41 states to ban either the militias themselves or paramilitary training or both. (Ref 11) [...] California. Anti-paramilitary training. Cal. Penal Code ' 11460. [...]
Let's check the above, using California as an example since that's what started this thread. What I found here: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/waisgate?WAISdocID=62867026669+0+0+0&WAISaction=retrieve Says in the relevant section: 11460. (a) Any two or more persons who assemble as a paramilitary organization for the purpose of practicing with weapons shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars by both. As used in this subdivision, "paramilitary organization" means an organization which is not an agency of the United States government or of the State of California, or which is not a private school meeting the requirements set forth in Section 12154 of the Education Code, but which engages in instruction or training in guerilla warfare or sabotage, or which, as an organization, engages in rioting or the violent disruption of, or the violent interference with, school activities. Faustine's loose definition of "paramilitary training" may seem to apply, but if you read carefully, the legal definition used in the California penal code is a bit narrower. Naturally I'm not arguing that such laws are just, sound, or advisable. ObCypherpunk: Look for "instruction in hacking techniques or computer breaking-and-entering not performed by a state-licensed instructor" next. -Declan