FYI, on sci.crypt W.H. Murray passes along quotes of D. Denning in an article in Government Computer News, p14, Aug. 30, 1993 by Kevin Power. If anyone could scan this for the cypherpunk collection it would be appreciated. ===cut=here=== From: WHMurray@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL Subject: Denning on Skipjack Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1993 00:25:00 GMT In Government Computer News, p14, August 30, 1993, Kevin Power quotes Dorothy Denning as saying "I am 100 percent certain that there are no weak keys." William Hugh Murray, Executive Consultant, Information System Security 49 Locust Avenue, Suite 104; New Canaan, Connecticut 06840 1-0-ATT-0-700-WMURRAY; WHMurray at DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL From: WHMurray@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL Subject: And again, Denning on SKIPJACK Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1993 02:30:00 GMT In the same article kevin Power quotes Denning as having said "The people at NSA have done more to evaluate than the public algorithm in DES. They're way ahead of the game." I hope Dr. Denning never said anything like that for the record. Even if it were true, it would not be knowable. It would be unprofessional to make such an unscientific assertion. William Hugh Murray, Executive Consultant, Information System Security 49 Locust Avenue, Suite 104; New Canaan, Connecticut 06840 1-0-ATT-0-700-WMURRAY; WHMurray at DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL From: WHMurray@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL Subject: Denning and the cost of attack against SKIPJACK Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1993 02:20:00 GMT On page 14 of the August 30, 1993 issue of Government Computer News Kevin Power reports that Dorothy Denning told the Computer System Security and Privacy Advisory Board that SKIPJACK would not be compromised by exhaustive attack methods in the next 30 to 40 years. [...]