nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous) writes:
ghio@temp0199.myriad.ml.org (Matthew Ghio) wrote:
It doesn't check the PW or ID at all except the first time you log in. After that it generates a new cookie titled NPLCNYT and that is the only cookie it checks; the PW and ID are not required to be there at all. If you delete the NPLCNYT cookie, it will check the PW/ID and generate a new one. An example cookie is below:
I put this wafer in my junkbuster-configfile and disabled all other cookies, and NYTimes let me in without asking for a password, but after I read a few articles, the site started behaving strangely, where the server would seem to hang on certain pages, taking forever to send the html.
I played around with nytimes.com some more and I'm certain that it does check for the presense the ID= in the cookie (but not the value). Apparently the following 2 is necessary and sufficient: NPLCNYT=(whatever it tried to set it to) ID=(anything; I used ID=0 to save bandwidth) With ID=0, it says "welcome, 0" of the first page and I see no problems.
Interesting though. Maybe we should hold a cypherpunks 'potluck' where everyone trades cookies. :)
A good idea. here are more of mine: #.reference.com wafer userid=cypherpunks@bwalk.dm.com wafer passwd=cypherpunks (I haven't been able to register cypherpunks@algebra.com on reference.com) # amazon.com cypherpunks@algebra.com cypherpunks wafer group_discount_cookie=F wafer session-id=1451-4798095-404463 wafer session-id-time=886320000 wafer ubid-main=3578-1328899-434066 wafer cf=c90fe571f7b5f873 By the way, junkbuster does NOT strip cookies in secure http. Be careful. --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps