Dr. Vulis writes:
Cypherpunks have been forging Usenet posts from "freedom-knights@jetcafe.org" to alt.business.* et al, asking for business opps in e-mail. I'm thinking of forwarding the resulting spam on f-k back to cypherpunks.
Two things about this, to BOTH lists. As a Freedom Knight, it is my opinion that the appropriate demonstration for Freedom Knights is to ignore this junk email. This appears to be proceeding quite well, if a minor annoyance to some. However, I cannot in good conscience personally accept a "J'accuse" cypherpunks of forging Usenet posts to freedom knights. Since we have no proof of this action, it is my opinion that we must adhere to "innocent until proven guilty". I would like everyone to understand that this accusation is not shared (nor even considered until seeing the above quote) by myself, nor should it be shared by anyone who is or who calls themself a "Freedom Knight". Honor before blind support, Observation before belief, Truth before justice. Those who understand these principles will not be harmed by the net. ------ Dave Hayes - Altadena CA, USA - dave@jetcafe.org Freedom Knight of Usenet - http://www.jetcafe.org/~dave/usenet What we see depends on mainly what we look for.