Has anyone had any luck finding the actual text of the Wassenaar Arrangement? The Arms Control & Disarmament Agency has a summary/factsheet available on its web site (mirrored, I believe, on JYA's web site) but I haven't been able to find a copy of the actual text. I spoke with someone this morning at the ACDA who said that the actual text "has not been released by our government" and that to his knowledge it had not been publicly released by any government. I'm faxing a FOIA request to their legal folks this morning (talked to someone in their general counsel's office who said he wasn't sure if it was available via FOIA or not) but I suspect I won't get it. Has anyone actually seen the text of the thing? -- Greg Broiles | US crypto export control policy in a nutshell: gbroiles@netbox.com | http://www.io.com/~gbroiles | Export jobs, not crypto. |