Declan wrote:
This is a very, very strange statement.
It takes just a moment to remember that Aimee is allegedly based in Waco, TX, though probably with a TLA in Fort Worth -- Texas TLAs never stop joking about Waco to hide their own addiction problems. Choate is in Austin, TX, when he's not electromagnetically rocketing around the stars. Mike Godwin's Texas background is a disturbing, if pleasurable, fact. The EFF dustup was rooted in hypersensitive sensibilities about a party's birthplace. It's the water, Declan, the water in Texas has stuff in it that drives natives to say, to write, to behave in odd ways. The smiles of Texans are not signs of friendliness but evidence of contaminated ground water. Scientists can find no difference in the ground water and white lightning. I'm a Texan. Like Texas, the water in DC, the water is New York City, in California, the East and West Coast, some say the New World, is laced with something that induces crazed, condescending braggartly superiority, the urge to never lose an argument that's winnable by lying, by denying that's what you said, wrote, did. To shoot if nothing else wins. This is not about superpower foreign policy.