James B. DiGriz wrote:
Declan McCullagh wrote:
On Sat, Oct 13, 2001 at 03:32:00PM -0700, Luthor Blisset wrote:
Last time I checked, rtmark made some of the most clever anti-corporate propaganda I've ever seen. I'm extremely skeptical of any claims that they are part of what they seem to so diligently oppose.
This jibes with what I know (I've written about and spoken with these blokes a few times, FWIW).
And I think you've been hornswoggled. I'm gonna just leave it at that and disagree with you.
Upon reflection, I have to add that I'm not claiming they indeed hoaxed the meeting. It just struck me as being their style. Fortunately for them, any other ad agency or markteting firm in the country, among other possibilities, is fully capable of a stunt like this. jbdigriz