Jim Choate wrote:
Here in Austin we have a local radio dj who does a public access show on various issue localy and nationaly, Alex Jones, who has put a piece on some sort of bio-weapon test that occurred in '66 in San Francisco. He is claiming that deaths resulted.
Anyone have a clue what he's talking about?
As far as I know, the only bio-weapon test that occured in San Francisco was when they scattered some large volume of apparently harmless bacteria over the city in order to find out what effect a bio-attack would have on them, and to get an idea of what countermeasures are useful, and of course, to test their own delivery systems. :) I don't know what kind of bacteria they were, so I've no idea if they were harmless or not. Suffice to say that a bunch of people in San Francisco think they weren't (harmless), and get upset about it frequently. It seems unlikely, however, that the few deaths that people have tried to attribute to the bacteria were actually caused by them. San Francisco is a big city, with lots of people. If the bacteria really were dangerous, *manY* people would have died, rather than the handful (10-15?) that did in fact die, for one reason or another. Michael Hohensee