[Another glimmer of hope as even some of the mainstream business press is venturing beyond simple patriotic flag waving. Posted in its entirety as its not online.]
Terrorism and the challenge to globalization. BY PETER SCHWARTZ
Stupid article, and your comment doesn't make much sense either. First, the terrorist attacks are the best thing that has ever happened for globalization. No one is a purer anti-globalist than bin Laden. Now the anti-global movement is associated with death and terror. Anti-globalization protests have been scaled back and cancelled all around the world since September 11. To the extent that radical Islam is the new standard bearer for anti-globalism, the movement is doomed. Contrary to the predictions of this article, the only hope for the anti-globalists is to disassociate themselves as fast as possible from Islamic terrorism. That's going to be tough, given the images that are burned forever into people's minds. Second, we can update Gordon Gecko's line from Wall Street. Instead of "greed is good," now "globalism is good". Globalism is a matter of free association and free choice for billions of people. It represents market capitalism at its best, with each country providing those goods and services at which it has a comparative advantage. Globalism is freedom. Third, cypherpunk technologies will promote globalism. To the extent that the future is cast as a battle between global capitalism and democracy, technology is on the side of capitalism. Democracy is an inherently coercive institution. It relies on physical force to achieve its goals. Capitalism is non-coercive. It is cooperative. It invites, it does not compel. Cypherpunk technologies enhance the opportunities to interact in cooperative ways, free of external coercion. If they can't see what you do, they can't control what you do. Cypherpunks are supporting globalism by their actions, whether they understand that or not.