This looks interesting: --- Stanford Law School Media Release For Immediate Release: Thursday, October 30, 2003 CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL BILL LOCKYER TO ADDRESS CYBERSECURITY AND VULNERABILITY DISCLOSURE AT STANFORD LAW SCHOOL Conference at Stanford Law School, Saturday November 22, 2003, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Early registration deadline is Nov 1, 2003. --- Reported computer security breaches have almost doubled since last year, and the vast majority go unreported. In two high profile incidents earlier this year, hackers downloaded U.S. Navy credit card numbers and a worm paralyzed Bank of America's ATM network. In July, California became the first state to require businesses to notify consumers if hackers illegally obtain their personal information from company databases. California Attorney General Bill Lockyer will talk about enforcing this measure and other initiatives to achieve Internet security in the face of increasingly severe breaches of computer systems. His talk is part of a day-long conference hosted by the Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society. Lockyer will join twenty top high-tech executives, encryption experts, and law professors, who will propose ways that technology vendors, their customers, government officials, researchers, and consumers can accelerate vulnerability research, computer security, and consumer privacy protection. The conference discussion will occur against the backdrop of a national debate as to how to respond to growing threats to cyberspace, and how to balance security needs against heightened exposure and the disclosure of proprietary information. On the one side are those who seek a federal measure like the one in California that mandates disclosure of security vulnerabilities. On the other are those who believe that non-disclosure ("security through obscurity") better protects privacy while continuing to enable research and development. The conference brings people from both camps together with technical experts to hammer out solutions and recommend policy for both industry and government. Other speakers include: Matt Blaze, AT&T Mary Ann Davidson, Oracle David L. Dill, Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University James Duncan, Cisco Gerhard Eschelbeck, Qualys Stephanie Fohn, Consultant Tiina Havana, Oulu University Secure Programming Group (OUSPG), Finland Shawn Hernan, CERT Steven B. Lipner, Microsoft David Litchfield, NGSSoftware Simple Nomad, NMRC, Bindview Len Sassaman, Anonymizer Bruce Schneier, Counterpane Peter P. Swire, Professor of Law at Ohio State University Hal Varian, Professor, University of California, Berkeley Vincent Weafer, Symantec Stephen Wu, InfoSec Law Group Chris Wysopal, @stake About Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society (CIS): CIS is a public interest technology law and policy program within the umbrella Law, Science and Technology Program at Stanford Law School. CIS convenes scholars, legislators, programmers, security researchers, scientists and students to study the interaction between new technologies and the law, and determine how the synergy between the two can either promote or harm the public good. CIS works to advance technology and shape the direction of the law to protect free speech, privacy, public commons, diversity, and scientific inquiry. Center for Internet and Society Contact Information: Jennifer Granick, Executive Director, CIS, 650/724-0014, Lauren Gelman, Assistant Director, CIS, 650/724-3358, Bill Lockyer's keynote address is scheduled from 12:15 p.m to 1:45 p.m. For a complete schedule of sessions, and to register for this event online, go to: This event is free to the media. To obtain a press pass and reserve press seating, please contact: Judith Romero, Assistant Director of Communication for Stanford Law School, 650/723-2232 or About Stanford CIS: The Center for Internet and Society (CIS) is a public interest technology law and policy program at Stanford Law School and a part of Law, Science and Technology Program at Stanford Law School. The CIS brings together scholars, academics, legislators, students, programmers, security researchers, and scientists to study the interaction of new technologies and the law and to examine how the synergy between the two can either promote or harm public goods like free speech, privacy, public commons, diversity, and scientific inquiry. The CIS strives as well to improve both technology and law, encouraging decision makers to design both as a means to further democratic values. -end-