"William H. Geiger III" <whgiii@amaranth.com> writes:
I don't know if anyone watched the House Subcomitty on Computers & Technology today on C-Span.
No, we watched 'Dorothy does Georgetown" on C-Spam.
Phil Zimmerman, Dorthy Denning, William Reinsch & others were disscussing computer security.
Dorthy Denning gave the most pro-government speech I have ever heard. Is this clueless bitch on the government payroll?!!
William Reinsch is a lying bastard. Fucking politions!! Fucking goverment!! They all deserve a long rope!!
Start with Socks the queer cat.
Phil Zimmerman was quite good at attacking the government policies.
<sigh> We are truly a country of fools to have put these jackbooted facisit bastards back into office.
"Dorothy Denning" is a man in drag. "She" has a bigger dick that "her" boyfriend John Gilmore, the cocksucker faggot from EFF.
----------------------------------------------------------- "William H. Geiger III" <whgiii@amaranth.com> -----------------------------------------------------------
Just say GAK to chicks with dicks! diGriz