Issue 2.3, August 1998 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE: No unsolicited email is sent. If you do not want to be on the mailing list please say "REMOVE" in the subject line and return this message in the body. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear One Nation supporter in NSW Pauline Hanson has just completed a whirlwind tour of Australia. The tour has been an enormous success - although this aspect of her rallies has been largely ignored by the media. You will have noted the coverage given to the protests and for this reason we would like to draw your attention to the following web pages. The first demonstrates the links between extremists within the Labor party and the violence perpetrated by protesters at One Nation meetings: The second looks at the organisation behind the student protests: We would draw your attention to the new moderated on-line discussion forum which you are encouraged to join and participate in. This can be found at: Finally, to make your navigation of the large One Nation web site easier we have installed a theme based 'site map' which can be found at: GWB Scott Balson Pauline Hanson's Web Master