Sarad writes:
May be the information provided by the informant was wrong and it ended up that a 14 year kid along with 3 iraqi adults got killed and in order to prevent further outrage among iraqi's,the white house decided on playing its cards to its advantage.They didn't confirm their DNA test as yet-funny.
If it turns out that Shrub killed two ordinary Iraqis, claimed they were Saddam's sons, and then had army morticians make them up to resemble Saddam's sons, he will be laughed out of office. I've always said that you have to talk to people in the language they understand, and that the only language the American people understand is dead Americans. Indeed, Bush makes a mockery of the UN, and launches a war of aggression against Iraq, based on a Weapons of Mass Destruction soap opera conducted in the media, and the American people approve. American soldiers set up check points, and fire at families in cars trying to flee to safer areas, blowing the heads off babies, and the American people approve. Bush slaughters thousands of Iraqis on his way to Baghdad, who are only trying to defend their country again outside invaders, and the American people approve. The Iraqis resist by killing a couple Americans a day for a few weeks, and Bush's approval rating drops 2 points a day. Almost half the American public say going to Iraq wasn't worth the cost. Americans are finally being talked to in the language they understand. If the Iraqis kill 5 American soldiers a day for 2 months, it will cost Bush the election. If they manage a mass hosing, comparable to the bombing of the Marine barracks in Saudi Arabia, Bush will be impeached. If they should manage to kill a few tens of thousands of American soldiers out of the 147,000 currently serving in Iraq, mobs of angry American parents will attack and burn the White House to the ground, and feed Shrub and his entire family feet first into a compost shredder. Again, it's just a matter of talking to people in the only language they understand. -- Eric Michael Cordian 0+ O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"