...in India, anyway. Yes. I know. He probably didn't *earn* it. Well, not *that* way, anyway... Cheers, Bob Hettinga --- begin forwarded text To: economist-politics@postbox.co.uk From: The Economist <null@postbox.co.uk> Subject: Politics This Week (September 13th - September 19th) Data: Thu Sep 19 17:33:56 GB 1996 Sender: Nobody <nobody@ivision.co.uk> Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 17:33:57 +0100 **************************************************************************** Welcome to Politics This Week (September 13th - September 19th) A weekly summary of the world's main events from The Economist Also available at http://www.economist.com/ **************************************************************************** <snip> Indian police arrested Sukh Ram, a former communications minister, a month after police found over $1m in cash hidden in his house. Mr Ram was arrested on his return from abroad. <snip> Information about this newsletter This is a free newsletter published by The Economist newspaper. To find out where best to direct queries to The Economist, do not reply to this message. Send a blank e-mail message to help@economist.com If you are having problems receiving this list, send an e-mail to support@postbox.co.uk To cancel your subscription, send an e-mail with the message "leave economist-politics" to newscaster@postbox.co.uk Alternatively, you can cancel your subscription (or re-subscribe at any time) by visiting http://www.economist.com/mailing/ Copyright The Economist Newspaper Limited --- end forwarded text ----------------- Robert Hettinga (rah@shipwright.com) e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA "'Bart Bucks' are not legal tender." -- Punishment, 100 times on a chalkboard, for Bart Simpson The e$ Home Page: http://www.vmeng.com/rah/