This is an interesting, coincidence? ;-) In a message dated 7/18/98 12:58:15 AM Central Daylight Time, writes: << The Author, for the first time realizing the dire warning hidden in ZZ Top's classic musical offering, 'Cheap Sun Glasses,' ... >> << ... Worried about the fact that some egoistical, elitist fuckwad might, at some point in the future, try to claim credit for the Author's discovery of MultiMedia, HeOrShe set Stanley's WayBack Machine to a point which corresponded to the exact Time-Space-Mind equivalent of the Nadir Point between alpha and omega, and could distinctly hear Tim C. May <> hollering, "I'm going to write about MultiMedia in the CypherPunks archives on the first day the list exists, and you will *never* get credit for the concept." >> ROFLOL! What's coincidental? The latest tune that my band, Nobody's Business (in which I play bass and sing) has learned, is Cheap Sunglasses by ZZ Top. If it ain't coinicidence, I got a 'scarecrow' in my band. Someone tell me if it's good or bad to be in the 'Space Aliens Hide My Drugs' series. ;-) Stan, Nobody's Business