On Saturday, September 15, 2001, at 12:17 AM, Declan McCullagh wrote:
On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 05:26:52PM -0700, mmotyka@lsil.com wrote:
Or does innocence depend upon the depth of one's pockets?
Looks like you already know the answer to *that* question...
-Declan (who may be becoming overly pessimistic)
It's nearly impossible to be overly pessimistic... -- Bush asks for $20 billion, Congress doubles it to $40 billion (to be handed out in many cases to defense contractor buddies) -- Bush asks for restrictions on some civil liberties, Congress proposes to repeal the Bill of Rights The freight train is now an express train. Even online cyber-activists are calling for suspending big chunks of the Constitution. It is everything Franklin, Jefferson, and the Founders warned us about. The United States does not _deserve_ saving. Fuck them all. --Tim May