At 09:20 PM 9/7/00 -0400, Asymmetric wrote:
I agree that voice using TCP has the drawbacks that you mentioned, however, because of the other existing requirements such as CBC and File Transfer, it is required that you have a reliable connection to get even the basic functionality of the program to work. I'd rather have a delay in hearing the voice messages until the packets have arrived than decrease their security by using ECB.
You can still do CBC with UDP. You might want to look at hybrid solutions, like basic connectivity and voice connections on UDP and separate TCP connections for data transfer, though that may be more trouble than it's worth. ...
p196, pp2 "While CBC mode recovers quickly from bit errors, it doesn't recover at all from synchronization errors. If a bit is added or lost from the ciphertext stream, then all subsequent bits are shifted one bit out of position and decryption will generate garbage indefinitely."
I assume that losing an entire block worth of bits will cause as much havoc as losing just one bit would. If that isn't correct, I'd like to hear it..
There are synchronization problems you can recover from and ones you can't. You need to stay aligned on the encryption-block barrier, e.g. 64 bits for DES or 128 bits for some other algorithms. If you lose that, you're toast. But if you always pad your packets to multiples of the block size, you don't have a problem with UDP, since packets either arrive or don't. So if you lose a packet, then you've toasted the first 16 bytes of the next, but the rest of the packet and the rest of the conversation are ok. With TCP, you don't lose packets, though you don't always have convenient mechanisms for keeping track of packet boundaries, but you're always going to write in block-size chunks anyway.
The rule of thumb is that you need at least twice as many bits of DH as you need of secure session key for your application, and you need at least as many bits of DH as you would need for RSA. You wouldn't want to use fewer than 1024 bits of RSA these days, so don't use fewer than 1024 bits of DH. That's enough for multiple 128-bit keys. There are various format proposals for turning the DH key into a session
like using Hash(DHKey,YourIP,TheirIP,maybe-a-counter-or-Salt). 4096 may be overkill, but it depends a lot on how often you'll be rekeying and how long you're willing to watch the CPU crunch to set up a connection.
The D/H is going to be used just to generate a key to securely transfer a 4096 bit key for use in symmetrical crypto routines later in the program, for actual encryption of the chat/voice/file data transfers. Using 1024 bits of D/H is fine to generate a key-encryption key to just transfer the 4096bit key. I chose 4096 because it's large enough to be used in any symmetric crypto algorithm to max out it's key length.
Any symmetric algorithm will have maxed out by 256 bits, and most by 128, though you may want different keys for your two directions. So generating the DH key with 1024 bits is probably enough, though it doesn't hurt much to do 2048 or 4096 - no need for separately generating a key and shipping it. In particular, DH takes advantage of both machines' sources of randomness, which is a major win over something generated by one end unless you've got a good reason for it.
If you don't have any other keying mechanism, you need to worry about man-in-the-middle attacks. A simple approach is to use PGP public keys to sign the keyparts; that lets you reuse all the PGP infrastructure. There are alternatives, at least for voice, like reading the bits of the shared keys to each other. See the PGPFONE docs for much discussion on user interfaces - and think about how much of their code you can rip off\\\\\\ reuse.
Well, truth be told, everyone knows that there is the problem "If Mallory is God.." which in this world simply means, if Mallory is your upstream you're in some serious trouble. He could just as easily intercept the PGP keys and replace them with his own if they didn't already exist on the server.. this would cause problems for keys signed outside mallorys realm, say if you could distribute your key outside his available channels... however, if you could do that, you could just as easily trade a PRNG and a list of seeds, or even discuss whatever it is you mean to discuss over a cup of coffee.. :)
Sometimes Mallory _is_ your ISP - even without Carnivore. Public key technology only needs one untampered data transfer to happen, and PGP has a lot more infrastructure for that than trading PRNGs. Signing DH keyparts is a job for public-key signatures.
Also read the Photuris internet drafts - there's a lot of experience on denial-of-service attacks that they've incorporated, and it doesn't take much work to prevent most of them.
Ah, sorry.. how did we get on the topic of denial of service?
By saying "I'm going to put this chat server on the Internet".... Crypto has its own special denial-of-service flavors in addition to the regular ones, and Photuris addresses a lot of it with minimal work.
Delphi can call C routines no problem, I have two problems with GMP that however have nothing to do with Delphi..
First, It's GPL'd, or under a modified version of the GPL. I find the GPL to be distasteful and it forms a barrier more than a bridge to continued software development. The reason for this I think is pretty simple; the GPL (I refer to the classic GPL.. I am not sure of modifications to it that may have been made for it's application to GMP) has made it excruciatingly clear that any program or library using any GPL'd source code must itself be open source, and cannot be sold for profit, but only "at-cost".
The "Library GPL" was written to address just that problem. Stallman calls it the "Lesser GPL", because he doesn't like it (:-), but LGPL says you have to distribute source code for the LGPL'd libraries you use or modify (or indicate where to download them) but doesn't GPLize the code you wrote that isn't part of the libraries. So you can use it in your proprietary product without publishing your code, charge money for it, etc. Thanks! Bill Bill Stewart, PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639