TruthChapter -- SPACE ALIENS HIDE M DRUGS!!! _____________________________________________ OK, so it's a slow day and you don't have much going on. our sister is out of town for the weekend, your dog is on the rag and your Visa is maxed-out. Thus, sex is not a viable option for killing a little spare time (now a felony). So what the hell... ou're going through the posts to the CypherPunks list and you notice that the asshole who forged posts to the list in your name (claiming that fucking two nine year-olds is just as legal as fucking an 18 year-old) has spammmed yet another chapter of the rambling, semi-coherent saga "The True Story Of The InterNet" to the list. ou've read bits and pieces of the manuscripts (on company time), every now and again (more out of boredom than because of any socially or coupon redeeming content), and it bothers you that the Author has taken concepts, themes and issues that are important to you and put a bizarre, insane/inane twist on them that somehow degrades and defiles them, in spite of the fact that he sometimes supplies a remarkable amount of documented facts and viewpoints from 'respectable sources' in support of his vague claims and wild-eyed theories. ou take great care to avoid being 'caught' reading the manuscripts by others and you wouldn't dream of admitting in public that you view them as anything but mindless trash, but you keep finding yourself thinking about some of the underlying views expressed by the Author of the manuscripts. ou've begun to realize that what troubles you about the 'True Story Of The InterNet' manuscripts is reflective of what bothers you about the InterNet, in general, as a Medium/Message--the ongoing battle between order and chaos that reins supreme within a Virtual Reality where Jane and Joe Average can avail themselves of the same technology as Established Authority (TM) in the battle for your attention. Ms. Information Highway is a Eunuch who embodies the divergent and seemingly contradictory yin/yang qualities that would result from a cross-cloning of Walter Cronkite and the BlondeBimbo that everyone tells the jokes about. It's like the 'science' of UFOlogy...the 'experts' in the field often provide a well-documented trail of facts and figures from recognized sources and authorities. The problem, of course, is that the facts and figures are used to 'prove' a wide range of Plausible Theories (TM) ranging from highly-evolved beings with a superior intelligence to humans, to Reptilian Nazis living deep within the bowels of Mother Earth who are cultivating SurfaceDwellers such as ourselves to provide a FoodFarm for Alien GreyHound Tourists passing through on their way to another galaxy. The Problem (TM) posed by the InterNet is Taoist in Nature. The Total Access To All Information which is inherent in the Physical Manifestation Of Virtual Reality which we know as the InterNet opens a Dangerous Door Of Perception leading to an environment within which we have the possibility of! The Freedom represented by Unrestricted Access To Information comes from having the ability to exercise one of the most basic of all human qualities, which is to 'seek' knowledge in our quest for an expanding evolutionary wisdom. The Freedom is to be able to Search for Knowledge according to one's own personal predilictions and desires, and to Choose from All Available Information/Knowledge what one will use as tools in building one's Perceived Reality. In a world where we have become accustomed to being spoon-fed the information, perceptions and viewpoints which comprise our Perceived Reality (by Officially Recognized Authority), we suddenly find ourselves faced with the possibility of using the technological tools of the InterNet to direct our Attention/Perception along vectors of our own choosing, rather than being subjected to forced herding into the fenced pastures and feeding pens designed by the Controllers to keep us in an environment which is the most suitable and convenient for their purposes. The Freedom is freedom from a Reality created and governed by Official Government Pamphlets handed to us in every area of our life. The Freedom is the freedom to peruse the colored charts and diagrams provided by the Pentagon to lead us through a maze where Gulf War Syndrome is an imaginary being that is always just around the corner, and then to direct our attention to the private WebSite of a Gulf War Vetran who provides the details of his personal experience in regard to the war and its effect on his or her life and health. The Freedom is the freedom to read the wildly rambling, nonsensical diatribes contained in the 'True Story Of The InterNet' manuscripts and say, "Bullshit! I'm going to check these wild-eyed claims out for myself." The Freedom is freedom to chaff and winnow the original Seed Of Knowledge in a manner that suits your desires, and to seek out InterNet venues and personas which make your Quest for Knowledge more complete or efficient. The Freedom is the freedom to change the direction or the parameters of your Quest for a specific reason, or on a momentary whim, solely to view your Perceived Reality from the outside, in order to get a more objective view of the WorldReality you have constructed. It is in this spirit that the 'TruthChapter' is being dedicated. TruthChapter FAQ ---------------- 1. What you are currently reading is *not* the TruthChapter. 2. The Author has not written, and has no intention of writing, the TruthChapter. 3. The Author is full of shit! Regardless of the ultimate level of personal and professional ethics that the Author brings to the manuscripts that pass through his or her space-time continuum of MuseDom, his or her attitudes, facts, figures, beliefs, values, etc., are completely irrelevant to your path in life, except to the extent that you, personally, evaluate and apply the concepts and ideas expressed for your consideration. 4. Writing the TruthChapter is *your* job! This is true whether you choose to participate in the activity which is described below in 'An Exercise For The Reader', or whether you choose to curl up in bed with Playboy, Time, The Wall Street Journal, Beer and Bloating In Lost Wages, or A Physically Manifested Expression Of Mind To Be Named Later. ============================= TruthChapter FAQ Intermission Make some popcorn, grab a beer, and think about the following... At some point in 'InfoWar - Part III of the True Story Of The InterNet', there was a statement, quote, or some reference documented reference to the Fact (TM) that, during a period when violent crime statistics showed a significant 'decrease' in violent crimes, that public perception viewed violent crime as being very much on the 'increase' (and a 'growing' problem). The reader of the manuscript has no way of personally knowing whether the Author is passing along real, existing facts and/or information in this regard, whether he or she is lying in order to promote a private agenda, or whether the Author dreamed or imagined the 'information' during drunken drug-withdrawal seizures. The same concept holds true even if you can verify through personal research that the fact/information came from an established, respectable, documented source. (i.e. - "Oswald acted alone." / "We, the jury, find OJ Simpson 'not guilty'." / "We, the 'civil jury', find OJ Simpson 'guilty'." / "We, the Court Of Public Opinion, made up our minds long before the trial began." / "The Mormon Tabernacle Choir acted alone..." ) My point? The Author makes no bones about being a drunken, insane, drug-addicted, infantile pervert. The fact that past and present Presidents, Dictators, Titans of Industry, Media Moguls, Religious Leaders, Politicians, etc., etc., ad infinitum, choose to claim that they smoked pot but didn't inhale, that they drank liquor but never swallowed, that they had sex but didn't cum... Well, the bottom line is, "ou pays your money, you takes your chance." Although the reality of the time-space continuum requires that we develop structures and processes by which we can navigate life's diverse paths, delegating many of our daily thoughts, feelings and activities to pre-programmed reactions and responses that are based on our previous experience and analysis of life, we can never truly escape the reality that 'Life is a crapshoot' and that failure to exercise our capacity for conscious awareness results in our becoming submerged in a robotic humanity/persona which leaves us vulnerable to automatically travelling along the path of least resistance. Our being Real (TM) is not a question of 'truthfully' answering our employer's question in regard to our opinion on the Vietnam war, whether our employer is the Pentagon or the Peace Coalition. Gurdjieff once said that in one's inner life, one is free to say, 'The King is shit!', but in one's outer life, it is often wise to say, 'All hail the King!'. Our being Real (TM) is mostly a question of being aware of the difference between our inner and our outer lives. My definition of a 'truthful' person is one who does not lie to others more than he or she lies to oneself, except as necessary. As far as when it is 'necessary' to lie, and what it is 'necessary' to lie about...that is a matter of personal conscience for every individual. It is dependent on one's personal wisdom and understanding, as well as on their beliefs and values in life. (i.e. - It is up to each individual to decide whether they are comfortable with lying when the Gestapo ask if they are hiding Jews in the attic.) In a world where there is increasing pressure to conform completely to a constantly narrowing societal paridigm, it is important to resist sinking into a primordal swamp of group consciousness that submerges our individual creative spirit, or spark of life. I regard it as an absolute anathema to the human spirit that opinions of OJ's guilt or innocence is split so radically along racial lines, far beyond what differences in social exposure and experience alone would dictate among people of thought and reason. Everyone who was present when Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman were murdered, raise your hand... Although it is encumbent upon us, in our daily lives, to judge ourself and our life based on the best possible information, to the best of our ability, we too often tend to do so from a perspective of a biased, angry mob outside of the courtroom, than from a perspective of a juror sworn to high standards of objectivity in viewing our own life and our personal knowledge/belief systems. The tragedy of the OJ trial was that the blatant racism, corruption and lack of professional ethics of those who are employed to be objective, unbiased investigators made it impossible for an objective juror to place a man's fate in the hands that gathered the evidence. The tragedy of life's trials is that there is so much intrigue and subterfuge in our environment, as a result of private and group agendas driven by human weaknesses and character defects, that it is now a monumental task to analyze and evaluate the information we receive, in order to feel confident in our ability to structure our beliefs and pre-programmed reactions and feelings in a manner that will allow us to feel our spiritual integrity has remained intact during the process. The point I am leading up to is that it is difficult, yet exceedingly important, to overcome our human foibles and our tendency to become robotic Sheeple in the present societal environment which puts great pressure upon us to abandon freedom of thought and spirit, in the interest of the comfort of conformity. We live in a society where we are required by law and custom to nod our belief and approval when our elected political leader says, "Read my new taxes!", even though there is not a person on the face of the earth who doesn't understand it is a meaningless lie. It doesn't matter whether it is the political arena, the religious arena, the media, the press, the justice system, or whatever--The Lies Flow Like Water! We have become so numbed by the assault on the Truth that it is an easy task merely to fall into a deep slumber where we cease resisting the constant attacks on our inherent sensibility and our desire for increased knowledge and wisdom. Gurdjieff posited that it is 'impossible' for a human to 'consciously do evil'. Although the truth of this is most easily seen in the group descent into unthinking madness that was epitomized by the rise and fall of the Third Reich, I believe that it is equally true in the smaller areas of daily life, where we learn to robotically 'fool' ourselves, often in the interests of survival, into believing that it is Right, instead of merely Expedient, to believe that requiring certain ethnic groups to sit at the back of the bus is 'the way it is', instead of consciously maintaining awareness that it is Wrong, if that is our true personal feeling and belief. It is my belief that Right & Wrong (TM) have little or no meaning without a Conscious Objective Awareness that can only result from an individual having the freedom to explore all of the information and experience that life has to offer, without unreasonable, intrusive censorship from various elements of their environment. Which brings us back to...the TruthChapter... ============================= TruthChapter FAQ (continued) ---------------------------- 5. The Medium Is The Message... The information that comes into our range of perceptive attention is shaped, shaded and molded in a manner dependent upon the medium of communication by which it is transmitted. This is true whether the Information is transmitted by genetics, analog or digital emmissions, is a moving and flowing energy, or is captured in a static, stable form. Fish find their way back to their birthplace by a different method than humans because of the difference in the mediums by which they receive the necessary information. 6. Salmon don't have to show a passport to an armed fish representing the Stream Government. Salmon don't have to have approval of the Church of Salmon in order to spawn. Salmon don't get a ticket for swimming on the wrong side of the stream, or for swimming too fast. Big fish eat little one gulp. They don't nibble them to death with Fish Taxes. They don't drown them at the stake for believing the earth is round. Fish are not as 'smart' or 'creative' as humans--they do not mentally build Empires out of Imaginary Sand Castles In The Sky and then eat each other in an argument over what color to paint the walls. 7. If Salmon could write, they would probably write a FAQ with Facts, instead of embellishing the information with vague, semi-rational references that seem to be putting a confusing spin on their World Of Perceived Reality for no other reason than fear of falling off if it ceases turning. <EOFAQ> OK, so instead of using the TruthChapter FAQ to provide you with accurate, unbiased information with which to construct your own WorldView (TM), I ended up getting a little carried away, using my Substance Abuse Enhanced Creativity (TM) to try to suck the reader into a WorldView constructed by myself for the sole purpose of making it the Reader's turn to buy the next round of drinks. Although you might regard this as merely another 'proof' of my freely admitted diabolicallity (don't bother looking it up in the dictionary), it is my contention that you are only fooling yourself if you are of the belief that you can take the facts/opinions of *anyone* at face value, without asking questions such as: "Had Saint Peter already signed a BookDeal with a Bible publisher before authoring the Epistles which he asks us to take as fact, based on Faith?" "Did Moses have inside information that there were vast reserves of oil in the Promised Land?" "Did Job belong to an S&M cult?" "Was St. John the Divine 'on something' when he had his 'Revelation' <snicker-snicker>?" "When Jesus performed his 'miracles', did he work with scantily clad, sexy assistants, in order to divert the attention of the crowd?" The point I am trying to make is that, even in the arena of religious belief, there is a difference between Faith and a Lobotomy. Likewise in the arenas of Politics, Family, Business, Sports and Relationships. For example: "WaterGate FAQ" by Richard Nixon "Curfew Time FAQ" by our Mom & Dad "MicroSoft FAQ" by Saint William Gates "Sports FAQ" by Jimmy the Greek & Marge Shott "Relationship FAQ" by A Pregnant Woman Who Claimed To Be On The Pill And Now Demands ou Marry Her "TruthChapter FAQ" by A Cheap Drunk To Be Named Later In the interests of using the True Story Of The InterNet manuscripts as a vehicle to increase the Reader's ability to analyze and evaluate the proffered 'information' in a manner that utilizes the evolving technological tools of the medium by which the manuscripts are being disseminated, the Author is making freely available the information with which he was planning to generate/construct a chapter with the title, 'son of The Mother Of All Chapters'. By providing the Reader with the information gleaned from the InterNet for constructing the 'son of The Mother Of All Chapters', as well as revealing HisOrHer's secret designs and hidden agendas culminating in the final, manifested form of the chapter, the Author is offering you, the highly esteemed Reader of the 'True Story Of The InterNet', an opportunity to InterActively Participate in the process of the construction of your personal News & Entertainment Paridigm. The reality of the time-space continuum dictates that we must apply our time and resources in gathering and analyzing the information by which we construct our WorldView in a manner that best utilizes the tools at our disposal to shape, color and mold available information, including taking advantage of the MiniPre-Fab Realities that are offered to us by our fellow RealityBuilders. Although Manufacturing Reality can be done with greater quality control and efficiency through the sharing of our individual Reality Products, basic economics dictates that there are often HiddenCosts associated with believing RealityAdvertising claims that something is 'free', in the overall scheme of things. There is little difference between being a HeatedSpoonFed Heroin Addict and in being a SpoonFed News/Information/ Entertainment Junkie. Once you are hooked, the price goes up, and you end up on Information Welfare and still having to steal your own integrity in order to pay an increasing price for a diluted/cut product, in order to feed your habit/need with an inferior product. The TruthChapter is being presented as an opportunity to explore the possibility of weaning yourself to a realistically supportable level of addiction to incoming information in order to strike a balance between suffering the pangs and arrows of outrageous fortune, in the course of your evolution, and becoming Irrevocably Comfortably Numb through overuse of the current OpiateOfTheMasses. Despite the fact that the inspiration for the process of completing 'son of The Mother Of All Chapters' was largely the result of the Author having his computers and notes stolen by Officially Recognized Authorities (TM), as well as HimOrHer descending into a depressing, primordial pit of dysfuntional drug withdrawal, this does not, in reality, automatically preclude the possibility that the LoftyGoals professed by the Author in regard to the purpose of the TruthChapter *could* be true... An Exercise For The Reader: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Read 'Son.doc' in order to familiarize yourself with the all-too-predictable paranoid conspiracy theory slant that the Author had planned to put upon the information gathered for the assembly of the 'son of The Mother of All Chapters'. The Son.doc attachment is an incomplete preliminary summary/first-draft of the 'son of The Mother Of All Chapters', as envisioned by the Author. 2. Read 'ThePlot.txt' in order to get the general gist of the Spin that the Author had planned to put on the analysis and evaluation of the information that had been gathered. 3. Read 'FDR.doc' and 'FDR2.doc' to familiarize yourself with the building blocks with which the Author had planned to construct 'son of The Mother Of All Chapters', as well as HisOrHer notes regarding HisOrHer personal knowledge and experience that could be added to support HisOrHer's personal WorldView. 4. Write the fucking chapter yourself! 5. Disseminate the chapter to whomever you please, in any manner you please. (e.g. - snailmail to your mom, email to the CypherPunks Distributed Mailing List, or as an email reply to those who bless you with 'Make $$$ Fast!" UCE/Spams.) "The Answer To Noise, Is More Noise!" ~ CypherPunks Chief SpokesPerson #238 Fuck the Author! Fuck Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, America's Most Wanted, Paul Harvey and A 'No Loitering' Sign To Be Named Later! Write your own goddamn chapter and tell it the way that *you* see it. Fuck TruthMonger! *BE* the TruthMonger. Put your own accurate or inaccurate spin or twist on the 'son of The Mother Of All Chapters' information base. Add to it with items gleaned from your own research, or from your own personal accumulated knowledge and experience. Throw all of the provided information out and completely write the chapter from scratch, with the same theme or a different theme. Write the chapter, type the chapter, or just think about how you would approach writing the chapter in order to make manifest the expression of the knowledge and wisdom that you have to share with your fellow Prisoners Of A Group Reality as to how to best break the Chains Of Free Thought wrapped around our brains by the Reality Police. Don't use your physical tools merely to receive and to retransmit Noise. Create Noise! If anyone complains or criticizes your Noise, fuck 'em! ou're the TruthMonger! ou're the Author of 'son of The Mother Of All Chapters'. Don't lose any sleep over the whining of ignorant pissants who are unable or unwilling to accept the fact that your world is flat, and that's the way GoDoG intended it to be. Intelligent people, like oursleves, know the world is flat. That's the Truth (TM).