We, at Sybase, are updating our marketing database and would like to verify if and how you would like us to communicate with you. If you would prefer to not receive any further information about Sybase or its Enterprise Portal or Wireless products, please click here to immediately opt out of all further communications.

We haven't talked to you in awhile. In fact, based on what you once believed Sybase could offer, you may have asked us not to contact you. Now, things have changed. We have a new focus on e-Business and we expect you probably do, too. So please take a moment to tell us a little about your e-Business needs. Click here to indicate your preferences, and we'll get back to you with some valuable information.

If we don't hear from you, we will take your lack of response as your intent to opt out of any further communication with Sybase. However, should you choose to respond, we hope to have the opportunity to help make your e-Business goals a reality.

Thank you,

Pamela George
VP Corporate Marketing
Sybase Inc.


Privacy Statement

Sybase respects you, your time, and your privacy. Your name or email address will never be sold, traded, rented, given away, or used for any other purpose than to provide you with the information you have requested.

Please click here and take this opportunity to "opt in" and indicate specific preferences for receiving future information customized to your needs. If you have already "opted-out" and wish to confirm your decision, please click here to indicate that you are totally opting out of all future communications from Sybase. We will immediately -- and permanently -- remove you from our list.