I think it is a bad policy to say, "once I have kids in the house, I won't have guns there, period." Kids do need carefully controlled exposure to firearms and their hazards. I refer to the proverbial lesson a father or grandfather gies the young laddy - shooting a watermelon or whatnot, so that the kiddy can see that water-filled bags of protoplasm, when shot - get the shit blown out of them. No doubt, that guns need to be _positively_ secured in a household where kids are running around. Many states have laws to that effect. Now, if we could just get the unwashed masses to keep the sink-drain unclogger fluid, the radiator-antifreeze fluid, and these various other commobn household items - just as carefully secured....might reduce the workload on the nation's poison control centers. Without these parent-mediated exposures to firearms safety lessons, the only exposure today's kids have to the subject is what they see and hear in the public schools and on Hollywood TV/movies. The worst possible messengers.